Monday, December 12, 2011

What's this all about?

Well, that's easy enough.  I have decided to create this blog for several reasons.  So lets list them out:

  1. I wanted to create a blog to hold myself socially and publicly accountable for getting in shape, staying in shape and reaching my goal(s).
  2. To share with others the things I have learned on this journey; techniques, diets, products, etc.
  3. To give others an opportunity to learn from my experience and hopefully inspire others to set their own life goals, big or small, and try to reach them however possible.
So this is what I'm going to be putting up on this blog:
  • Pictures:  There'll be pictures of me running and other running related shots, trails, routes, and I may do that thing where I take a picture of my body once a week, or every day and come up with a rather grotesque montage.
  • Products:  I'll be posting about the stuff I'm using, where I got it from, why I'm using it, things like that.
  • Training Schedules and Results: So that'll be what I'm up to and how well I did it.
  • Perhaps the occasional randomness, and maybe even a video or two.
In the posts to follow I'll be going into some of my personal history and an outline discussing how I came to be a person who loathed running (we call these people "sane") to what I am today (sometimes I think sanity took a vacation).  


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